Health Italia S.p.A. : increase of the subscribed share capital, float increases to 23.38%



Health Italia, the innovative PMI that is the leader in Italy’s integrative Health market advises the increase in its share capital and the subsequent variation of the float to 23.38%. The operation is part of the company’s’ strategy which has as its final aim admission into the STAR sector.


Health Italia S.p.A., The PMI company quoted on the Italian AIM market, one of the great independent realities of the Italian market which operate in Integrative Health advises the increase of its share capital to Euros 2,542,969.00 that was decided by the extraordinary General Meeting of the shareholders on December 28th, 2017 and subscribed by a simultaneous issue of shares totalling 1,953,426 ordinary shares with a value of 1.00 Euro each.

The increase in share capital was carried out through the issue of shares in kind, by the conferment to the company of the shares which the subjects to which the increase was reserved held in the share capital of Basis SpA, a company of the Health Italia Group which, in virtue of the conferment mentioned above,increased its own percentage of the shares to 99.66%.

Basis S.p.A is active in the real estate sector, specializing in the creation and organization of spaces dedicated to health activities, such as multi-specialized laboratories, dental clinics, aged care residences and clinics. The company holds the buildings that are instrumental to the Group’s activities and contributes to guaranteeing greater efficiency of the all the operational activities.

Following the operation described, today Health Italia’s share capital subscribed and paid is Euros 14,324,956.00 divided into 14,324,056.00 ordinary shares of Euro 1.00 each.

The aim of the operation is to permit the increase of the float which thus stands at 23.38% ,and is included in a broader more articulated strategy which has its final aim the passage of Health Italia from the AIM Italia market to the STAR segment of the Italian Stock Exchange’s MTA market, according to the intentions stated in the Company’s press release of 27/11/2017.

Following this operation, Health Italia S.p.A also advises that the shareholding is composed as follows:

Shareholders Number of shares % of share capital
Sorgiva Holding S.r.l.                           5.643.759 39,4%
NSSF Malta 1                           1.865.836 13,03%
PFH S.r.l.                           1.391.623 9,71%
Shareholders <5% con lock up                           2.074.125 14,48%
Market                           3.349.613 23,38%


Health Italia’s CEO Massimiliano Alfieri, expressed his total satisfaction for the operation just concluded: “The transition from the STAR segment would allow the company to gain even more visibility in the markets of reference, national and international, and to benefit from the increased liquidity and thus acquiring greater interest for the market and for the institutional investors”.


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