HEALTH ITALIA S.P.A closed the first half of 2018 with strong growth in revenues, major investments and institutional investors who joined the shareholding structure

HEALTH ITALIA S.P.A., a leading company in the Italian integrative and replacement healthcare market, announced the conclusion of the first semester of 2018 with an important increase in revenues, which rose to over 13 million euro, with an increase of over 25%.

The trend in profits, as planned in the Business Plan 2018-2020, did not follow the growth in revenues as the group started the important investments aimed at acquiring companies that can
be integrated into the existing business model, thus widening the boundary of consolidation, and the development of the Health Point project, sustaining the costs, in order to accelerate the growth aimed at the achievement of the objectives of the Business Plan which forecasts for 2020 60 million of revenues with an EBIDTA close to 30%.

The leadership of Health Italia s.p.a. in a growing market such as that of integrative health has also attracted some institutional investors who have acquired company shares.

The Chairman of the Company, Roberto Anzanello, commented: “"The results for the first half of 2018 confirm the ability of Health Italia to achieve its own goals and consolidate its own position as a leading company in its reference market through important investments able to consolidate and develop the business model that (we would like to recall it) is unique in the integrated healthcare market».

In reference to the entry of institutional investors into the share capital, Dottor Anzanello added: “"We are proud and satisfied that we are seeing an ever-increasing interest in our company by qualified financial operators. During the current month, the company has registered some entries of primary managers and institutional investors in the share capital.These entries, made at current prices, reflect the potential growth of the stock and were carried out in a medium to long term perspective with the desire to accompany Health Italia towards the important growth process planned for the coming years. Our goal is to continue to work in this direction in order to achieve a floating share equal to 35% of the share capital».

Read the full press release

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