Financial calendar 2019

Health Italia, an innovative SME listed on the AIM Italia and active in the supplementary healthcare sector, announces that the Board of Directors meeting today voted to make use of the greater term of 180 days from the end of the financial year for approval by part of the Shareholders’ Meeting of the financial statements as at 31 December 2018, as permitted by art. 2364, paragraph 2 of the Civil Code and in compliance with the provisions of art. 14 of the by-laws, in consideration of the company’s intention to pass from the Italian accounting principles to the IAS / IFRS international accounting principles, as well as in consideration of the preparation of the consolidated financial statements.

Therefore, it is communicated pursuant to art. 17 of the AIM Italia Regulation, that the new 2019 financial calendar becomes the one shown in the following summary table:

DATE Events
27th – 31th May 2019 Board of Directors – approval of the draft financial statements and consolidated financial statements at December 31, 2018
24th – 28th June 2019 Shareholders’ Meeting – approval of the financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2018
23th – 27th September 2019 Board of Directors – approval of the half-year report at June 30, 2019


20190321 – Financial Calendar 2019

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