The Board of Health Italia S.p.A. approves the draft financial statements and the consolidated financial statements: growth in revenues (19%) and EBITDA (+ 7%)


The Board of Administration of Health Italia S.p.A. at the meeting of March 30th, 2018 approved the consolidated financial statement and the draft statement as at December 30th, 2017.

2017 represented an important year for the creation of value, company growth and commercial development. It was a year in which the Group implemented fully the strategic choices approved by the shareholders aimed at confirming its leadership in the integrated and replacement health care market.

2017 was the confirmation of the positive outcome of a path that had begun the previous year and which futhe affied the goup’s apait to ostatl ipoe the olue of usiess ad the idies of profitability for the generation of financial resources.

The year just completed saw the company aiming its activities at three different strategies:

  • quotation on the AIM Market managed by the Italian Stock Exchange;
  • development of traditional promotional activities of health benefits and the supply of healthcare services;
  • implementation of innovative processes for the integrated heath and corporate welfare markets.

Health Italia “.p.A.’s uotatio o the Italia “tok Ehage’s AIM Maket o Feua th, 2017 confirmed the opa’s strategic and commercial development, as well as its essential values in terms of business model that certifies its corporate values in both current and prospective terms.

The development of its traditional activities was determined by greater market penetration achieved through the development of a network of health service promoters and the promotion of health service subsidies for families and companies. It was also the result of the growth of its service capacity achieved through the organizational and operational reinforcement of its subsidiary, Coopsalute, the implementation of the operations centre and the extension of the network of affiliated health facilities.

Great attention was also paid to the evolution of the strategic model of providing healthcare services to customers in a logic of accessibility and proximity of care in an organized distance medical system aimed at both prevention and diagnosis.

At the end of 2017, the Health Point project was launched under the supervision of the affiliated company Health Point s.r.l. It allowed the opening of three health points in the shopping centres of Busnago (MB), Bologna and Formello in the province of Rome, able to provide non-invasive health care services, more than 40 currently, with medical tools operated remotely through cutting-edge devices and the support of specialised nursing personnel.

In order to continue and support its health prevention strategy, the company also introduced in 2017 the possibility of supplying its clients with integrators. These are selected and produced by SBM, a pharmaceutical company that Health Italia had purchased the same year with the purpose of completing its vertical business model aimed at providing integrated and articulated health services.

Therefore, in 2017 Health Italia S.p.A. was able to combine efficiently and effectively the development of traditional activities, expressed by the significant results achieved in terms of income and profitability, with the implementation of its innovation strategy through the vertical and horizontal integration of its business model, allowing it to achieve the following results.


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